error when trying to compile trunk of libgig on windows

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error when trying to compile trunk of libgig on windows

Post by sdwarwick » Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:54 pm

Downloaded latest trunk ( 11/05/2023) of libgig using MS Visual Studio 2022, tried to compile using CMAKE ( CmakeLists.txt )
Ran into two errors:
1. Required c++20 rather than C++11 in CmakeLists.txt

set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) # instead of 11

2. Required adding the following line to gig.h after line 29, as the definition “using ssize_t = SSIZE_T” was not in gig.h

#ifdef _MSC_VER
using ssize_t = SSIZE_T;

hoping trunk can be updated to reflect whatever needs to change...

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