Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

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Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by count_fuzzball » Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:33 pm


I'm currently working on converting and fine-tuning the 1.5gb Crisis General Midi 3.01 soundfont into .gig format.

Would the LS team be willing to put up a link to it when I get it finished and uploaded?


Andrew Coughlan.

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by cuse » Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:17 pm

Of course! We always appreciate to link or mirror free sample libraries.

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by count_fuzzball » Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:41 pm

Tuning issues are the biggest problems I'm having with the conversion so far. That and the loop points on some of the instruments are totally messed up, even in the original sf2!

But the upside to all of this work is that we'll have a high-quality General Midi giga instrument eventually!

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by count_fuzzball » Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:23 pm

I hope to have the first release of CGM4LS done by this weekend.

I plan on doing at least 2 releases:

The first release will focus on removing those rather nasty tuning issues and some loop points etc that I came across and fixed.

In the interim between the first and second release, I hope to recieve various bug reports etc from users. I will provide .patch files to patch against the first release, given the large size of the file.

The second release will focus on fixing any volume issues that I hope people find while using CGM4LS and will incorporate any .patch files I, or anyone else may have created. I may have to replace them with louder instruments if the need arises.

Andrew Coughlan.

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by dakylla » Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:04 pm

hi man,
those are really good news
one big up for you ;)

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by count_fuzzball » Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:57 pm

Hey dakylla,

No problem! I found there was no native giga General Midi soundset anywhere, so I decided to just convert the Crisis GM 3.01 soundfont to gig format.

I've played through a few midis and overall, the quality is just brillant!

Andrew Coughlan.

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by ggoodesa » Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:34 am

Hi Andrew,
I'm looking forward to your first release :-) This will potentially open the LinuxSampler world to a whole host of new users... so once the release is done we must post the news on some other forums and blogs (KVR, Linux Audio, etc.).

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by luisgarrido » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:11 am

I commend you for your efforts and look forward to your results. I don't want to discourage you, but the licensing issues and distribution details seem a bit limited.
All musicians over the world can load and use freely CGM3.0 without any restriction excepted this one : CGM3.0 is not for commercial use. Thanks to follow this simple condition.
Also, if you want to add CGM3.0 to a compilation or a magazine, it will be kind to ask me before.
Because CGM3.0 has been partially made with samples and instruments from the web, sometime without signature, it's possible i've used any copyrighted sources. If you recognize they, please, keep me informed. Although, all must be free.
All knowed sources are mentioned with the author's name in the following preset's sheet.
I am pretty sure no Linux distribution would want to touch this one with a flagpole, for instance.

Also I wonder if from the licensing terms it can be concluded that you can't use this library in any paid gig or recording, or for making demos of a composition or arrangement you will be selling afterwards to be played live. We would have to ask the original author for clarification, I guess.

But even a library that you are only allowed to use for your private recreative activities or to produce free music would definitely be nothing to sneeze at, either, so it will be very welcome.

Anyway, I have to say for a 1.5 GB I really expected somehow better brass sounds, this sounds not significantly better than a 3 MB Sound Canvas: ... ris%29.mp3

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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by count_fuzzball » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:32 pm

Luisgarrido, I did e-mail the creator of the soundfont a while ago, asking for clarification on the license, he said that it only meant that you're not allowed to sell the soundfont, but you can use it to create commercial music, use it at paid gigs etc etc.

I will agree, it could be worded a lot differently.


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Re: Crisis GM 3.01: Now in .gig format!

Post by count_fuzzball » Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:00 pm

Ok, the first release of CGM4LS is here.


Given the size of it, I would appreciate it if a mirror could be hosted for the rar files!

Replaced Clavinet - From Dsix Magic 20.9.sf2
Replaced Dulcimer - From FreeTime General Midi 6.3.sf2
Replaced Distorted Guitar - From PRS lead.sf2
Replaced Clean Guitar - From LesPaulR5.sf2
Replaced Fretless Bass - From Fretless.sf2
Replaced Muted guitar - from Colossus.sf2
SlapBass01 Last C sample removed and stretched to remove tuning issue.
Removed Staccato and release samples from all of the solo strings (Bass, Cello, Viola and Violin). For now they're only legato. If someone requests that I add staccato to them, I will.
Removed EnsembleStrings Layer from Tremolo Strings patch and removed loops
Removed Release Samples from Ensemble Strings 1 patch
Removed Release Samples from Choir Aahs patch
Tuned Choirs Oohs +10 cents to correct tuning issues
Tuned Synth Brass 2 +20 cents to correct tuning issues
Removed F#6 and A6 on Clarinet patch and stretched nearby note.
Replaced Alto, Soprano and Tenor saxes. Alto and Soprano saxes from Tenor sax from
Replaced Recorder and removed C5 Sample - From Soprano Recorder.sf2
Replaced Chifflead, voice lead, Ocarina and Agogo. Chiff lead and voice lead from Unison.sf2. Ocarina From Ocarina.sf2. Agogo from Realfont2.1.sf2
Removed the filter cutoff from Bowed Pad patch and Echos patch.
Replaced Tuba - From Bellatrix-Orchestra-Final.sf2
Replaced Acoustic Bass - From BassUpright.sf2

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