April 13, 2009
The “Organman”, Steve Margison has agreed to manufacture and distribute the 2009 Hardy Virtual Organ on DVD. The DVD includes GigaStudio / LinuxSampler compatible theatre pipe organ rank and percussion samples to compliment Jim Henry’s marvelous MidiTzer 216 and 260SP virtual theatre pipe organs. See http://www.virtualorgan.com
HVO may also be used with jOrgan or a MIDI relay equipped pipe organ console. Margison has created a web site dedicated to the HVO Project that offers general information about the project, complete documentation, downloads, demos and simple ordering for the DVD disc.
The HVO 2009 disc will include the latest versions of the samples with improved tonal finishing as well as a collection of “project files” which automate the loading and configuration of HVO for 2 through 10 channel installations.
Very generously, Margison has agreed to offer the HVO DVDs essentially at his out-of-pocket cost: $10.00 (USA), $15.00 (Canada) or $20.00 (other countries). Ordering is very easy using most major credit cards.
For more information, click on http://www.organman.com
Joe Hardy