The market is big, the differences among libraries, too. Discuss which libraries are your digital gold, and which ones are better left in stores.
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by flameboy » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:08 pm
I've made some gig samples that are free (gpl license) and I am planning on making more when I get the time. So far in the FS Collection (flame studios collection) there is:-
- 1) A Seagull Acoustic Steel String Guitar with Fender Reverb.
2) An Ibanez Acoustic Steel String Guitar with Fender Reverb.
3) An Ibanez Electric Bass Guitar.
4) A Washburn Electro-Acoustic Bass Guitar.
5) A 5-string Kay Banjo.
These can be downloaded at and they have all been tested on LinuxSampler and work fine.
I am also planning on sampling a Fender Jaguar electric guitar and Gibson Les Paul electric guitar through a Fender Bassman and lots more when I get the time.
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by flameboy » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:42 am
Unfortunately some people have had errors while opening the archives from the site. As it turns out the problem is not the archives on the server but the fact that some people are getting the file cut short before it is fully downloaded. I think it is due to a limit of connections on the server but I will not be sure until I get a phone call about it tomorrow (26th August 2008). I will let you know the outcome and will get it sorted as soon as possible. So, in short if you have corrupted archives it is most likely that they have been cut off halfway through. The best chance of getting a completed download at the moment is to download just one file at a time. Sorry for any inconvenience, the problem will be sorted as soon as possible.
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by flameboy » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:21 pm
I have now found out why people have had trouble downloading. It is that the server resets every now and then and also cuts everyone off at the same time. Although I have paid for unlimited space from freeola it is absolutely useless for me as it is impossible to guarantee that anybody can even download a small file (if they start just before the server reset). Freeola have been good in every other way but they are no good for sites with downloads. Anyway, I am now looking into a new web host. I will let everybody know when I have swapped. In the meantime the download problems will continue. Sorry for any inconvenience, I will get it sorted though.
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by flameboy » Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:47 pm
There is now a mirror site for the giga samples, the link is at the top of the giga samples page on my site. Thanks go to KrzysiekK (from KVR forum) for organising it and his mate for providing the space. Make sure to take a look at his site while you are there. Each of the seperate files are on the mirror. The full FS_Collection is not but that file is just all of the seperate files in one archive.
I have also sorted out a new host. Its just a matter of time before everything is uploaded to it.
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by dahnielson » Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:05 pm
I'm currently downloading the acoustic Ibanez guitar from the mirror and got a great average download speed of 1.33M/s according to wget.

Anders Dahnielson
Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux
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by flameboy » Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:50 am
dahnielson wrote:I'm currently downloading the acoustic Ibanez guitar from the mirror and got a great average download speed of 1.33M/s according to wget.

Good, that is a good speed. You must have a fast connection. I am hoping to get my new host sorted today also. It is good to have a mirror but as I am planning on adding more I need to have some reliable space of my own where I can upload when I like. Most of what I have done has been practice for some hopefully better instruments to come. I need better sound proofing first though as the guitar samples suffer on the tail ends from my noisy computer and other background noise, especially the reverbed samples as my reverb unit highlighted the noise. The banjo and bass samples were not so noisy luckily.
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by dahnielson » Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:38 pm
The sounds are great. The banjo is great fun!
BTW, Benno have offered to host/mirror free sample libraries on the LinuxSampler servers toanyone interested in it (currently only the Maestro Grand is mirrored there).
Anders Dahnielson
Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux
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by flameboy » Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:01 pm
I have added more gigasamples to the collection. They consist mainly of electric guitars. Some sampled through a Fender Bassman valve amp and some sampled direct in. Apart from the guitars there is an electric bass and a little percussion set.
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by dahnielson » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:28 pm
Yay! A really great library you're building.

Anders Dahnielson
Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux
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by Snowie » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:12 pm
Hi all, im new here, but this site has dissapeared. Where can i fin the guitar samples now???