List of sample libraries

The market is big, the differences among libraries, too. Discuss which libraries are your digital gold, and which ones are better left in stores.
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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by dahnielson » Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:12 pm

sbenno wrote:aurus, thanks for the link!
how does this piano sound ? Is it currently the best sounding large free piano sample ?

I have seen that on that webpage there are other samples too like harpsichord, organ etc,
but not in GIG format (kontakt,sf2). Could someone ask the authors and ask if we can turn it into GIG files ?
It is nice see that finally more higher quality free samples are being released.
I was thinking the same thought. I'm currently downloading the Maestro (a Yamaha will do for now to cure my Steinway abstinence) but it's dog slow (about 35K/s) so a better distribution infrastructure is needed as well. One idea I have would be to use Amazon S3 (I'm already a user of it for other stuff) to store and seed the archives and then only offer access to it via bittorrent (something S3 has built in as a feature but I've never used before) and ask people to seed as much as possible.
Anders Dahnielson

Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by dahnielson » Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:21 pm

sbenno wrote:aurus, thanks for the link!
how does this piano sound ? Is it currently the best sounding large free piano sample ?
I would say: YES!

I've started a separate topic about this awesome library (sampled by another swede -- what is it with pianos and Swedish samplistas?) and posted a quick demo made from an really old MIDI file.
Anders Dahnielson

Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by dahnielson » Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:58 pm

sbenno wrote:I have seen that on that webpage there are other samples too like harpsichord, organ etc,
but not in GIG format (kontakt,sf2). Could someone ask the authors and ask if we can turn it into GIG files ?
It is nice see that finally more higher quality free samples are being released.
I have successfully converted the Blanchet 1720 to Giga3 with Translator, the Orgue-de-salon is next. I will email Burnie and ask if we could get permission to distribute them.
Anders Dahnielson

Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by sbenno » Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:21 pm

Excellent !
cuse said bandwidth is not a problem on the LS server so if you need the samples to be hosted please contact him.

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by dahnielson » Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:40 am

Project SAM freebies are yet again available. This time with some additional big demo patches for percussion in addition to the excellent snare drum et al.

(See first post for more on Project SAM.)
Anders Dahnielson

Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by davephillips » Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:51 pm

Unless I'm missing something obvious it appears that the ns_kit7 is no longer available as a freebie, at least not from the given URL. I'd appreciate it if anyone has an alternate URL or can put the file on an ftp site. TIA!

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by dahnielson » Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:13 pm

davephillips wrote:Unless I'm missing something obvious it appears that the ns_kit7 is no longer available as a freebie, at least not from the given URL. I'd appreciate it if anyone has an alternate URL or can put the file on an ftp site. TIA!
That's strange. Just removed without any explanation and I can't seem to find the ns_kit7free on the site. It looks like the creator is shutting down completely.

Now, I've got the ns_kit7free but after looking at its license agreement it's clear that it can't be legally distributed by anyone else than Naturalstudio. So I guess it's officially dead and will only be available by f2f and via sneakernets.
Anders Dahnielson

Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by cuse » Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:18 pm

Yep, we offered to mirror the ns kit ages ago, but the author told us he prefers to keep it only on his server.

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by dahnielson » Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:28 pm

An alternative, and in my opinion better sounding kit, is the G&S Custom Work Drum Kit Sample Library. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to convert it to a gig yet. Translator made a mess of the HALion patches but I will try my hand on the SFZ files provided by Peter Jones.
Anders Dahnielson

Ardour2, Qtractor, Linuxsampler, M-AUDIO Delta 1010, Axiom 61, Korg D12, AKAI S2000, E-MU Proteus 2k, Roland R-5, Roland HP 1300e, Zoom RFX-1000, 4GB RAM x86_64 Intel Pentium Dual 1.80GHz Gentoo Linux

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Re: List of sample libraries

Post by arus » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:13 pm

Creative Guild has some GIG instruments for sale and a few for free download (registration required in any case). Some ideas posted ->there were already brought to life... ;)

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