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Audio output connection

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:22 pm
by toddyd
I have earlier been using jack with rosegarden, audio and midi and my system is setup.

I am now a bit confused how to get the linux sampler up and running with midi.

1. I start jack and qsampler
2. I create a midi output inside qsampler. It seems to work since I can see the midioutput from the alsa tab in jack.
3. Here comes the problem. I try to create an audio ouput inside the qsampler but it fails with error: Device or resource busy. This recource (hw:0,0) which is my soundcard is busy and the program using it is actually Jack.
If I close Jack and then retry, Qsampler doesn't complain. But I need Jack=)

Ok, my problem is basically how to set up the audio output connection between jack and the qsampler.


Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:38 pm
by dahnielson
What kind of audio device do you try to create in QSampler? You should create a JACK device and not an ALSA device.

(Also, you should probably consider using JSampler/Fantasia instead of QSampler to gain access to all of the LinuxSampler features. IMO.)

Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:45 am
by toddyd
As long as Jack is running I cant create any audio device. If I stop Jack I can create an audio device but then the there is no such option as Jack device only alsa.
Perhaps have I missed out on something fundamental in the creation of the audio device.

1. I go to devices in qsampler
2. right click on audio devices/create device.
If Jack is running i get error :New Audio device lscp_create_audio_device: Error opening PCM device hw (errno=100)
3. If i close jack I can only create an alsa audio device and then I cant start jack cause the soundcard is blocked

How do I create a jack device. Cant see this option?


Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:03 am
by dahnielson
I have no idea about QSampler. But here's what it looks like in Fantasia:


BTW, are you sure your installation of LinuxSampler was built with JACK support? What does it say on start up?

This is what I get:

Code: Select all

Copyright (C) 2003,2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christian Schoenebeck
Detected features: disabled at compile time
Creating Sampler...OK
Registered sampler engines: 'GIG'
Registered MIDI input drivers: ALSA,JACK
Registered audio output drivers: ALSA,JACK

Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:28 pm
by toddyd
Nop I guess I have not build it with Jack support. Only alsa. How do I build to make it include Jack support?
Do I first have to unistall it or can I simply build a new one with jack support and then install?

thanks alot

Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:01 pm
by dahnielson
Yes, uninstall what you've got now (linuxsampler, libgig, liblscp) and check out the latest version from CVS:

Code: Select all

cvs -z3 co libgig
cvs -z3 co liblscp
cvs -z3 co linuxsampler
Then build and install libgig, liblscp and linuxsampler. The process is the same for each package, e.g.:

Code: Select all

cd libgig
make Makefile.cvs
su -c "make install"
(Assuming that you have autotools and gcc installed. I'm using Gentoo so I tend to take that for granted. :D )

Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:02 pm
by toddyd
Ok, super, I will do that but first a stupid question. I run Ubuntu and normally I uninstall packages with command apt-get remove. Since this is the first time I have actually build a program from source I am not sure how to uninstall it :oops:

Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:08 pm
by Alex
toddyd wrote:Ok, super, I will do that but first a stupid question. I run Ubuntu and normally I uninstall packages with command apt-get remove. Since this is the first time I have actually build a program from source I am not sure how to uninstall it :oops:

Cd to the directory you installed from.

If you used ./configure, make, sudo make install to install, then type in the terminal:

sudo make uninstall

It should remove the required files.

If you're building in Ubuntu, then it may be easier for you to install as Deb files, and there is a good howto, written by the chief Wizard of LSampler, Christian, which walks you through a Deb install process.

Take your time and follow the steps carefully, and you'll be fine. Best part about installing like this is, you can remove the apps and libs using synaptic, as they will appear in your package manager.


Re: Audio output connection

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:31 pm
by toddyd
Unistalling went just fine =)

I have now downloaded everything form the cvs server.

Building and installing libgig from source went fine but when trying to make the linux sampler I get errors.

../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `yyparse(void*)'
../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `restart(yyparse_param_t*, int&)'

First I thought it had to do with the yacc but I have tried with both byacc and bison from the ubuntu reps but same error message id displayed =(

same error when trying to build a deb package.