SFZ opcodes bend_up bend_down
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:59 pm
I would really like that SFZ opcodes bend_up and bend_down be treated by linuxsampler.
In fact, it allows to make harmonics bends, staying in the wanted scale.
I use SFZ Cakewalk VST plugin with wine, because I am a linux user. It works, but I would be really easier for me to use directly linuxsampler to do that.
Maybe I could sponsor this feature approximately 70€.
I have no idea of the hardness of doing that.
What do you think about ?
ps: really sorry for my english.
I would really like that SFZ opcodes bend_up and bend_down be treated by linuxsampler.
In fact, it allows to make harmonics bends, staying in the wanted scale.
I use SFZ Cakewalk VST plugin with wine, because I am a linux user. It works, but I would be really easier for me to use directly linuxsampler to do that.
Maybe I could sponsor this feature approximately 70€.
I have no idea of the hardness of doing that.
What do you think about ?
ps: really sorry for my english.