Search found 12 matches

by alvin_a_garcia
Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:06 pm
Forum: General LinuxSampler Discussion
Topic: Can't load LinuxSampler AudioUnit in Mac OS X El Capitan
Replies: 0
Views: 63429

Can't load LinuxSampler AudioUnit in Mac OS X El Capitan

I tried loading the LinuxSampler AudioUnit in Mac OS X El Capitan using Logic Pro X. It fails validation with the following error: validating Audio Unit LinuxSampler Unit by LinuxSampler: AU Validation Tool Version: 1.6.1a1 Copyright 2003-2013, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specify -h (-help) for ...
by alvin_a_garcia
Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:51 pm
Forum: General LinuxSampler Discussion
Topic: No longer can load LS AudioUnit in latest GarageBand
Replies: 0
Views: 60993

No longer can load LS AudioUnit in latest GarageBand

Hello, I have been happily using the LinuxSampler Audio Unit plug-in in GarageBand in Mac OS X Mavericks. After recently upgrading to Mac OS X Yosemite and updating to the latest GarageBand (10.0.3), now I get the following error: Audio Unit plug-in can't be used The Audio Unit "LinuxSample" (sic) c...
by alvin_a_garcia
Sun May 04, 2008 3:33 pm
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

Could you try this patch and check if the problem is still there? Index: linuxsampler/src/engines/gig/Voice.cpp =================================================================== RCS file: /var/cvs/linuxsampler/linuxsampler/src/engines/gig/Voice.cpp,v retrieving revision 1.74 diff -u -2 -r1.74 Voi...
by alvin_a_garcia
Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:44 pm
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

I've tried the midi file now, and it turns out that I also have the problem. Most of the times all eight notes are played ok, but sometimes one or two of them are missing. Very strange. Thank you for testing with the MIDI file. I'm glad that you were able to reproduce the problem; I was starting to...
by alvin_a_garcia
Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:24 pm
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

I sent you the URL for my test case in a PM. Are you sure? I didn't get any PM I think. May I ask what configure flags you're using to build LS, and what compiler and compiler version you're using? I'm using gcc 4.2.2 and sometimes 4.3-0.20070713 (pre-release version found in Mandriva 2008.0). Comp...
by alvin_a_garcia
Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:49 pm
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

Yes, I have GPII but I've never noticed any problems like that. I also tried the test gig you sent me and I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. So, sorry, I have no idea on what's causing it. Looking at your log file I can't see anyhing that differs between note-on #5 and #7 and the rest. If you ...
by alvin_a_garcia
Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:08 am
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

cuse wrote: Anyway, as I don't have that file, can you probably assemble a small (/copyright non-infringing) .gig instrument which reproduces the problem?
I sent you a PM regarding this.

Thank you.
by alvin_a_garcia
Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:16 pm
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

Hmm, that's strange. I'm pretty much sure Andreas should have that instrument and if he finds some problem he usually fixes it my himself or at least tells me about it. I will ask him. Could it be that you ran out of voices / streams when that happens? If yes, it could be a bug in the voice stealin...
by alvin_a_garcia
Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:41 am
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

Thanks for your reply. I examined the Gig in question (Tascam's GigiaPiano2) under Gigedit, and also with Gigdump, and found nothing that I think would explain the behavior I'm observing. There was no random dimension that might explain the seemingly non-deterministic behavior I've been observing. T...
by alvin_a_garcia
Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:23 pm
Forum: Newbies & Support
Topic: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live
Replies: 18
Views: 19807

Re: Sometimes notes don't play when playing live

Not really. If you see the following in qsamplers configure output: LSCP channel MIDI event support . . . . . . . . .: yes LSCP device MIDI event support . . . . . . . . . .: yes it should be fine. Maybe you don't use latest linuxsampler CVS version? What version does LS print out on the console? T...