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Very basic setup...

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 10:07 pm
by mdmullins

It has been years since I've used midi, so I'm likely made a very basic mistake, but I'm stumped...

I'm trying to get LS up and running under Windows Vista. I have managed to install everything successfully and have started the backed and JSampler , loaded a .gig file into JSampler, thus...


The 'settings' window in the center right belongs to the virtual midi keyboard to the left (I have no real keyboard hooked into the system yet). Under midi port, 'Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth' is the only option available. I'm assuming that a midi device created by LS would show up here. I tried another virtual keyboard and a sequencer (MU.LAB) and still can't see that these programs are detecting LS as a midi out device.

ASIO4ALL is installed and running.

Am I thinking about this correctly, or am I just all turned around.

Any help would be apprectiated.


Re: Very basic setup...

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:21 am
by ggoodesa
Hi MDMullins,
If you're using a virtual Midi keyboard in Windows then you'll need a virtual MIDI cable so that the keyboard and linuxsampler can be connected. Try installing MIDI Yoke from . This is what I use in Windows XP (I'm not running Vista so not sure how well it will work for you). Once you've installed and re-booted, create your MIDI port in Fantasia and then click on the PORT drop down within the expanded MIDI area and select 'In From MIDI Yoke: 1', then in your virtual keyboard app set the MIDI to 'Out to MIDI Yoke: 1'. Then the MIDI communication should work.
Hope this helps

Re: Very basic setup...

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:17 am
by mdmullins
Hi ggoodesa,

Thank you for the quick response. I have installed midi yoke as you suggested. The virtual keyboard now registers "out to Midi Yoke 1" and as best I can tell JSampler and QSampler also register it, though with JSampler is all very confusing. For a few minutes I could change program numbers on the keyboard, and the backend would register the signal.

Then QSampler crashed and, not knowing how I got things to work in the first place, was unable to reproduce the setup. I spent the next 2-3 hours trying to get the keyboard to talk to LS, but to no avail. There has to be a simpler way, but I really have no idea what I'm doing, having been reduced now to pushing buttons and flipping switches at random in the hopes that something will work.

I think Vista is probably not the best choice and will likely end up dual booting into either Studio 64 or the Ubuntu audio distribution. (Can anyone recommend one over the other?)

Still though, it would be nice to see LS working under windows. Hearing it would be a real bonus. Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Very basic setup...

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:50 am
by ggoodesa
Hi again MDMullins,
Are you using the new Windows beta pre-release build of linuxsampler or the original release of Dec 2007? If you using the old one, (just had another look at your screencap - looks like the old version) please download the newer one from this forum topic viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339

Unistall the the old version and install the new beta...

Now, just to make sure that we're on the same page, here are some screen caps of my setup:
Configuring the MIDI -


Configuring the Audio:

And then configuring different instruments on the virtual rack:

With this configuration I should be able to hear the Concert Flute using MIDI Channel 1 on my virtual MIDI keyboard (connected to Out To MIDI Yoke: 1), and the Diaphonic Diapason on MIDI Channel 2. I can also use the built in virtual keyboard in Fantasia to test the GIGs that I have loaded.

Hope this get you going!